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My Blog Posts.
From random ramblings, to news, updates and more, it's all posted here, whenever.

Blogs by year:

Current Year, 2023

October (the infamous spook month.)

No post made in this month. :(

September (do you remember?)

No post made in this month. :(

August (maybe active? we'll find out.)

Why Windows 2000? (published August 2 - 10:30 PM)

Why I think Windows 2000 was better at the time compared to Windows XP.

July (im not dead. im just busy.)

A year ago... (published July 27 - 8:50 PM | updated August 2 - 9:30 PM)

How did we end up here, one year later?

new page style for blogs! wooo!

(consider this beta as I'm still tinkering with it)

My socials, cuz why the heck not:

Other stuff:

This is my website!

Website's changelog for you curious minded people out there! ;)

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