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Blog Archive.
This is an archive of Tech's blog by year.

Blogs by year:

Current Year, 2024, 2023

December (all i want 4 christmas is you.)

So, my website went down (published December 25 - 3:53 PM)

A postmortem of the site outage caused by a third-party.

November (winter arrived early, i guess.)

No post made in this month. :(

October (the infamous spook month.)

No post made in this month. :(

September (do you remember?)

No post made in this month. :(

August (maybe active? we'll find out.)

Why Windows 2000? (published August 2 - 10:30 PM)

Why I think Windows 2000 was better at the time compared to Windows XP.

July (im not dead. im just busy.)

A year ago... (published July 27 - 8:50 PM | updated August 2 - 9:30 PM)

How did we end up here, one year later?

This is my website!

Website's changelog for you curious minded people out there! ;)

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